Daily Roshni News

The Embassy of Pakistan, Vienna, organised an event to observe “Kashmir Black Day ”:

Report: Muhammad Amir Siddique Journalist Vienna Austria.


Kashmir Black Day Observed in Vienna Reiterating the Diplomatic, Moral and Political Support to the Just Struggle of the People of IIOJK 


The Embassy of Pakistan, Vienna, organised an event to observe “Kashmir Black Day ” to express solidarity with the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).


Ambassador Aftab Ahmad Khokher read the messages from the President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. He reaffirmed Pakistan’s continued diplomatic, moral and political support to the just struggle of the people of Kashmir. He highlighted the historical significance of 27th October and expressed complete solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. He condemned the continued brutal use of force by the Indian Occupation Forces and New Delhi’s illegal steps taken on and since 05 August 2019. He further urged the international community to raise its voice in support of the people of IIOJK and play its due role in enabling them to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination, as guaranteed to them in the United Nations Security Council resolutions.


Prominent community members and representatives of the Kashmiri diaspora in Austria also participated in the event. They were unanimous in their views for greater solidarity by the international community on the issue and to heed the call of the Kashmiri community against the inhuman treatment meted out to them. They paid tribute to the sacrifices of the Kashmiri people and reaffirmed Pakistan’s steadfast and unflinching support of the people of Pakistan for the just struggle for self-determination by their Kashmiri brothers and sisters.


The 27th of October is observed the world over as ‘Black Day’. On this day in 1947, India, without any legal justification, forcibly took control of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Since then, the Indian Occupied Forces are mercilessly killing innocent and unarmed Kashmiris, vandalising their properties and indulging in other inhuman acts.
